And so begins an annual tradition of traveling adventures! The first one as a couple - outside of camping - has been a long-time coming, and so we really lived it up. For most of our future extensive road-trips, we'll have the girls and camper in tow. It's not likely that we'll have as many opportunities to rent a car and put on over 1100 miles! So, we went "all in" and got the upgrade: Corvette Convertible!! As luck would have it (or answered prayers) - the weather was unseasonably WARM everywhere we went! I'm pretty sure we only have one photo involving the car with the top up. So many sights, including sunset at the Grand Canyon, Sunset in Sedona, and Sunset in the mountains! Upon our return, Addie asked me, "Why does your face look like that??" We're guessing she was referring to my TAN!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Montezuma Well National Monument

Joel wanted to see some of the old ruins and the cliff dwellings - We got to see both! Plus this amazing limestone spring-fed well that baffles scientists. The Indian ruins were amazing, and I wonder why they eventually left this oasis. Nature rocks my world! Just one of the many things I appreciate about her? I love the fact that it can't all just be simply explained away by science.

 Cliff dwellings alongside the well

Harder to read, but the sign says: "Swallet... The opening through which a stream disappears underground."

 Honey, I'm home!

 Remains of one large pueblo

 Do you suppose the people ate a lot of these??

 Old Indian ruins

 The drainage system dug by the Indian inhabitants way way back, for irrigation of their crops.

AZ Sycamore - - Ever heard the song "Two Silver Trees" by Calexico? In my head the whole time we were near these giants. 'dooo do do do do....'

 Joel and I love a creek :)

 Hello Lil' fella~

My curiosity may never be satiated!

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