And so begins an annual tradition of traveling adventures! The first one as a couple - outside of camping - has been a long-time coming, and so we really lived it up. For most of our future extensive road-trips, we'll have the girls and camper in tow. It's not likely that we'll have as many opportunities to rent a car and put on over 1100 miles! So, we went "all in" and got the upgrade: Corvette Convertible!! As luck would have it (or answered prayers) - the weather was unseasonably WARM everywhere we went! I'm pretty sure we only have one photo involving the car with the top up. So many sights, including sunset at the Grand Canyon, Sunset in Sedona, and Sunset in the mountains! Upon our return, Addie asked me, "Why does your face look like that??" We're guessing she was referring to my TAN!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gettin' Our Kicks.... All the Way to the Grandest of Canyons!

 79 is mighty fine... especially when you're working your way north!

 Of course Joel had to "see what she can do" a couple of times ;)

 Rocks? What rocks??

 What are they talking about - ROCKS?

 Heehee... my turn! I have to at least drive it once...

 And see what she can do...

 I love cows.

 I'm not done yet!

It really is GRAND ~ Especially at sunset!!  We made it in time - and found another fellow who had been waiting there for 3 nights to get his sunset shots. We timed it well.

 Again, every time the sun changes position - the colors intensify, and the view just keeps getting better! Bear with me as I record all of my faves...

 I was here.

The pass is good for 7 days - so we visited again in the (very very warm) sun. 

 See the person?? "Where's Crazy?" (On that icy ledge!)

 Joel shot these 2 while waiting for me (guess where I was....) Ha! Anyway -

 I pretty much almost cried to get this sweet shot of the cowboy, the mule, and the canyon in great color!

 This section is in the shade all day - it's still GLARE freakin' ice. What is wrong with people??

 Some sane people who are not walking along icy cliffs....

 Not many I wish to turn b&w - Too much vivid color along this journey. But a few deserve a chance~

 THIS is why an average of 100 per year die at this location... Do ya think? The girl squatting down behind the "flying man" is taking his photo... CRAZAAAAY.

 This gives you a better perspective on just where they are standing.

 I like the contemplative stance.

We'll be back again some day!

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