And so begins an annual tradition of traveling adventures! The first one as a couple - outside of camping - has been a long-time coming, and so we really lived it up. For most of our future extensive road-trips, we'll have the girls and camper in tow. It's not likely that we'll have as many opportunities to rent a car and put on over 1100 miles! So, we went "all in" and got the upgrade: Corvette Convertible!! As luck would have it (or answered prayers) - the weather was unseasonably WARM everywhere we went! I'm pretty sure we only have one photo involving the car with the top up. So many sights, including sunset at the Grand Canyon, Sunset in Sedona, and Sunset in the mountains! Upon our return, Addie asked me, "Why does your face look like that??" We're guessing she was referring to my TAN!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heading back to Vegas -

 Us in the Vette outside of Steve & Donna's!  
Car photos with us in it - by Steve!!

 "A yucky one" per AZ Papa Steve!


 Hey Darlin' - need a ride?
 Why yesssss, actually...... 

 Diggin' the Cactus-forests - especially their bright green against that brilliant blue sky. Yum.

 Soooo... we saw lots of things... and then again, we also saw 'nothing'. 


 Love the pastel greens whooshing by in the foreground~

Ah yeah - sunset in the MOUNTAINS! 

The bridge is actually more interesting than the Hoover Dam from this viewpoint - but it was fun & interesting to see it all lit up at night!

The snake-charmer....Here is Adelyn's esteemed snake - for being a big girl who is now potty-trained!  [Bonus]

The tired but triumphant care-giving team! MANY thanks XOXO!

The big girl and her sparkly "Las Vegas" beach-bag!

Mommy's southwestern treat!

My authentic Navajo jewelry from the art fair in Sedona. They used the left-over clay from their pottery to create the pendants - The dragonfly symbolizes "carefree". How appropriate :)

She just KNEW there had to be some M&M paraphernalia bound for MN!

Giddy with glee :) Good to squeeze ya!

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